
The logic behind “you” on social media

Estimated Read Time: 8 min.
2 girls riding a bicycle while holding hands

Really, there’s only one point to social media for a person like you: take these people who browse a network for fun and turn them into people who are interested in what you do. Maybe they buy your products, maybe they listen to your music or maybe they subscribe to your newsletter – what you need is their attention

In 2021, 74% of Americans were on Facebook, by 2025 these numbers will jump well over 80% and that’s just Facebook – when you factor in all of the other social networks, almost everyone has a digital profile. But where do “you” factor yourself on these statistics? That’s the question that really matters. Maintaining a social media presence goes beyond simply creating a page and making a few posts whenever it’s convenient. You want to make sure every view on your page counts, but where to start?

Your page represents who you are and how you’re seen by others

No exceptions here. A page with no consistency, low quality images, sloppy descriptions and no engagement is a turn off. If you expect to grab people’s attention, you’ll have to work for it.

  • Make sure you find the time at least once a week to think of what you’ll be posting about, preparing ahead of time will go a long way.
  • Invest in a better camera and utilize graphic templates from sites like Canva to make your post designs uniform and learn from what other pages in your niche are posting about. If you’re having trouble creating something unique, hoping on trends that are already working is the way to go.
  • Try to find a voice your social media visitors enjoy. Experiment with this. We live in a day and age where a story can create more impact than the product. Don’t focus on only writing something that makes sense to you. Write something that makes sense to others.
  • Have you ever noticed how restaurants that are usually empty tend to stay empty. You don’t want your social media page to look like an empty restaurant. Pages with no engagement tend to stay that way as users are reluctant to be the only like or comment on a post.Try sharing your posts with friends and family to get the wheel spinning and if you think an extra nudge will help, you can also purchase engagement.

Building an online presence and making connections won’t happen overnight

Pages are producing content on social media every day, and this content will not always reach the users it’s intended for. In fact, did you know the industry standard for good engagement rates on social media is between 1-3 percent!? That’s only 20-60 users if your page has 2000 followers! Running ads helps, but your daily social media routine will help even more (it’s also cheaper too)!

  • Make sure you engage with users on your page. Like all the comments on your posts, follow back people who show an interest, interact with your followers’ content. You want to remind people that you’re just a click away! Of course, if you have a page with millions of followers that may not be necessary, but it’s a different story for smaller pages looking for growth!
  • Hop on trends that relate to your page and content. Comment on viral posts and put some effort into writing something witty other people will like. The usual “Follow my page”, “We’re providing a great deal” or anything along those lines won’t work! People value originality and you should take this process seriously if you want to notice a difference.
  • Collaborate with influencers and other pages that share a similar audience base.
  • Hire a virtual assistant, or a social media manager if you don’t have enough time to dedicate to your page. You want to dedicate at least 10 hours a week on your social media activity. Be honest with yourself, if you don’t have that kind of time available, seeking outside help will ease your mind and help you focus on other aspects of running a business.

Learn how to analyze results and read between the lines

A successful social media page is not only measured by the number of followers and likes you gained this month. It’s important for you to understand what metrics are important for you and work towards building a presence around these metrics.

  • Review your profile visits, impressions, reach and call to action stats. Most social media platforms will allow you to check the performance for specific dates. This is a great way for you to compare results every time you change your approach until you find something that reaps the right kind of results.
  • Use URL trackers such as LinkTree or Bitly to monitor progress. If phone calls are essential to your business, you can also implement call conversion tracking by Google (only available to certain regions).
  • If you have a website and are having trouble with conversions, utilize Facebook pixel to help you with retargeting campaigns.
  • Give things time before jumping to conclusions. This will be a trial and error process, and you shouldn’t be discouraged within the first few attempts. Adjust your strategies when you notice engagements drop, and you should expect this to happen quite often. Social media is a fast-paced, ever-changing industry after all.

There is no one-solution that fits all strategies when it comes to social media. Building and maintaining a reputable presence will require a lot of work, patience and analysis. However, the logic behind  social media remains quite straightforward, it starts and ends with “you”.